How to Burn Calories and Walk Straight?


Walking straight is so important to keep your posture in the right condition! To keep your back straight and so on. That was always my problem until.. I started doing Pilates. Fair enough that it works very well on posture and general “walking straight”. My mom was always pointing out to me when I was a kid that walking straight is super essential and it can influence not only back leading to having back problems but also personal life (“Who will want to go out with you when you don’t walk straight?”, would she say)

This seems to be a big problems for teens as well and also for new moms who carry babies in their hands. You kind of tend to forget to keep your spine straight, do not pay any attention and then it leads to.. many things as well as back problems to.

So where is the solution? And the solution I can share with you is really simple and this one helped me personally. Just go for Pilates. By the way no matter you are not walking straight (as it’s 100% helped me to gain the posture I was all the time far away from) however help to avoid back and many other pains that you get by sitting and doing an office type of job, for example.

Also, there is a very nice side effect! By doing Pilates regularly you can get a flat belly as you are burning between 190 to 320 calories during the class! (this depends on class complexity and intensity).

What are you waiting for? GO, GO, GO! or at least try free classes by subscribing HERE.

How to Burn Calories and Walk Straight?